going to get bumpy

half arsed clues

notes left lying around

receipts for gifts

phone messages text

left undeleted

all designed to be found

when your lover

cant tell you straight out

face to face

which only makes

what you had

a mockery

of what it once was

but no


late nights out with friends

to which you are not invited

unexplained shopping trips

where nothing ever seems bought

setting out a different future

away from you

buckle up

it is going to get bumpy

feel at home

there are a few places

in the world

I feel at home in

Messanges plage mesdames camping

Santa Pola spain

Tongue Scotland Scullomie pier

Vancouver B.C. Canada

Casa Grande Arizona

Quarteira Portugal

Oakland Coliseum swap meet

Eureka California

(the bar there where the woman

offered me outside to fight

& won)

all of these & more

but never


the house

I was raised in

sit in comfy chairs

camper van parked

sitting in the sun

waiting for the entertainment

to arrive

we learned

years ago


sitting on the floor in a cheap tent

drinking unbranded vodka coke

as the rain set in

watching with sheer delight

as monsieur arrived in a big motor

carrying une grande tente

madame & les enfants

sat in the car

as the rain pelted down

him bashing in tent pegs

as we tittered quietly

amused at anothers’ discomfort

this person far richer than us

& now

another camping car is here

satellite dish broken

by the low hanging trees

as he shouts instructions

to his long suffering loved one

we sit in comfy chairs

sipping kirs’

but yes

the delight

is still there

to live out my days

wake with the sun

orange juice & coffee

to start the heart day

maybe a pain de raison

if hungry

walk to the sandy beach

that never gets below 12 degrees

a body needs seasons


bodyboard if there is surf

paddleboard if none

pick up a baguette pain

on the way home


get dressed for the day

pop out to the market

to buy veg if needed

meat if not

coffee & a cheap brandy

watch the world pass by

then wander home

for a light lunch

the pain cheese tomato olive oil

then maybe a siesta

or tend the plants

from a chair on the terrace

to walk out of an evening

couple of beers

some tapas

maybe wine if necessary

with friends

oh man he says

where is the ambition in that?

yeah man I say

isn’t that ambitious enough?

hold this close

the secret to green fingers

tell no one

but hold this close

the secret to green fingers

is to grow so many

whether seeds



that there will always be


I’ve been trying to grow jacarandas

In this colder

higher latitude northern hemisphere

& from 25 seeds

into seedlings


I have one

grown past 2 feet

a budding tree

I have green fingers