call of the mild

the urge every day

waitress stiffing you

for a couple in change

that girl you cared for

flipping you over

for some other fool

there’s a grip can come

pulling towards hate

the whole world

as a darker place

full of takers

piling on you

to become a cheater too

this taking on the chin

feeds the learning

leaning on a high wall

not to be misled

where once was the will

to rip their heads off

comes the call now

to be mild

rise above

let these poor people go

because they know

no better

10 seconds

no matter

how much

you know them

that you

hold their trust

much as they hold yours

like them love them

when they go away


into another room

for 10 seconds

from people who don’t

even like them

they will forget you

your times together

tell you

you are a fool

for loving for trusting

not knowing

for a second

they are telling you

& only you

about their issues

attempting to wear glory

they only

kill themselves


the shouting

her telling me

she was leaving

she’d never met

a swine such as me

I quietly asked

for the door keys

she leave behind

anything belonging to me

which slowed her

for such a short while

she left

slamming that door

stopping to shout more

& I won’t bore you more

with the details

enough to say love

did not live here anymore

I knew I’d be fine

provided I let the words

crude insults & truths

not land too hard

I’d just need time to suck in

lessons learned& change phone numbers

lick these cat scratch cuts

think on things

be able to begin again

these experiences serve

only to make a soul tougher

rose tinteds on

little bits

at a time

get taken away

trust love care

thrown destroyed

by betrayal

never mind

that I was indeed


rose tinteds on

expecting more

from this one

than she had

ever done before

rolling in

eyes shut

ears closed

while she told

of her history

letting me know

what was

going to happen

any day now

& then it did

she complied

with herself

denied me

what I wanted

the fool expects

history not to repeat

honour thy

how to mourn somebody

my stepmother

who never loved me

yet was part of my life

for so long

they (her family) say

she was doing her best

to raise us kids

the kicking & screaming

slapping shouting fuss

of it all

& they (her family)

never seem to understand

we kids were

only doing our best too

fucking up growing up

making messes

to be kids needing be loved

& that never happened

to mourn now for something

never was could have been

instead living with indifference

wishing for something

a little care a few hugs or kisses

praise for getting things right

ah but no this was not then

& never will be now

delta bound

another train station

writing scribble notes

the people I’d been with

stuff to change

new ideas

all to be written out

then she calls

how’d it go?

& she knows my answer

by tone

length of time response

12 hours & I’ll be with you

got 5 before the train

we talk on food to eat

beer or wine


if its been a tough one

I’ll need both

these people I meet

going home every night

while I stalk their towns & cities

so used to living like this

on my own

standing in front

delivering lines

wondering if what goes out

goes in to those ears

makes any impact

or just leaves a dirty skid mark


brought down

by those

with nothing

not even

the blues

no views

just enough


the urge

to bring

people down

turn the world


facing backwards

is the new

way to be

no humour

just sad no glad

just more mud


bad blood

burning everything

their soft hands

smooth brains

cannot try

to understand

give out all

I rolled up

there to her door

in my suit

she thought

I’d come to strut

so I let her

give out all

she felt she needed

to say

tho’ I was not listening

more looking

watching her face

for twitches & tells

waiting for the steam

heat to go

flow to slow

I was passing by

came to say hi

was wondering

how you were

I guess now I know

turned on my heel

walked away

knowing finally

there was

nothing here

for me anymore

I was gone to stay

there was a half mile

these pulls


I live through

growing up where

I come from

there was a half mile

of workshops

either side of the road

raw metals going in

on one end

completed trucks

coming out

at the far end

walking through

listening to the noise

seeing sparks fly

heat rolling thru’ doors

men in dirty overalls

faces black with grime

dirty rags washing hands

looking out at me

this snot nosed kid

wondering on the magic

created in there

& now all of this is gone

most of those men moved on

to death to unemployment

all that magic

lost to china

& time

yeah that

I was fourteen

my friend Kev

much the same


round the back

the local sports club

players all out

on the grass

intent on the game

me & Kev

v much the same

sneaking in the back

pulling out bottles

trying not

to make noise

working hard

not to be seen

then finding

our own quiet spot

grass patch in the park

drinking stolen beers

thinking nothing

of the owners

crimes committed

just the buzz coming on

letting go of fourteen

year old boy blues

heaven indeed