took me the whole way

took me the whole way

had what I thought was love

happy to be with you

trying out new ways

things to do

& you took me the whole way

further than anyone



pillow talking hopes wishes dreams

the secret fantasies

I’d kept deep inside

I could be without embarrassment

no shame

& you took that faith for weakness

care love kindness for granted

so I had to let you go

& you thought to punish

to tell the world what was so

aah! the secrets out of the box

there was you thinking

it was me had the badness

the world needed to know

when it was you all along

they love the gossip

but no one loves the tattle tale

you gotta

she was a great looking girl

& in the beginning

great fun to be with

good sex good laughs

but over time the mask slipped

almost to come off

she’d share the pillow talk

with her friends

the foolishness inadequacies

fears neuroses day to day gaffes

& she could not cut it out

painting me as the idiot

which I suppose I was

paying her bills filling her glass

I walked away you gotta

when they get to disrespecting

losing the boundaries of what is

you gotta close that door fast

but that don’t mean to do hate

just her reducing me pushed me

to reducing her down too

god I miss that ass