mary anning found me

I try to move amongst them

become part of the group

& end up almost despair

in tears of frustration

not understanding the what

of what is going on

I thought we were here to do X

I wanted to do that

learn all of that

but that seems not enough

for these people here

they need to gain status

set up an elite

a them & us situation

& I feel too keenly

the them label fitting too tight

not part of their clique

& all I wanted

was to do X

instead to only

feel failure again

clear instructions:

label them from the outset

as crazy misguided

even better some kind of ‘ist or ‘ism

& from then on

is almost as good

as putting fingers in your ears

& singing nanana can’t hear you

glue the label on tight

& you don’t have to listen

regard anything they have to say

& better still

you get to bully them

feel good & righteous about doing that

treating them as not right

disregard their humanity

rights to their own opinion

safe on your own high moral ground

rinse & repeat

ad infinitum